Does a library culture depend upon the design of the place?

A few years ago I took the photograph that forms the background to my blog. It reflects the peace I feel when I watch the waves wash over the porous rocks at the beach. The sea has molded and shaped the boulders into fascinating forms over many years. Designing learning spaces is a complex process requiring researching and the providing of evidence to re-‘imagine’ an enriching, educational environment.  Molding, shaping and creating the library culture goes hand in hand with designing a purposeful and pleasant physical school library place in the ever changing landscapes of pedagogy. I passionately believe that teacher-librarians have a role to play in shaping a reading culture that washes over the minds of young people and helps shape them into thinking, inquiring and empathetic individuals who have the confidence to transform society into a better place for everyone.

First time connecting

Today I created my first ever Blog page. It’s like the dawning of a new day. Thank you Mandy Lupton for inspiring me to connect to the blogging world. I  am looking forward to Semester Two, in 2014, and to engaging in the modules about Inquiry Learning and Learning Hubs at QUT. Photo credit: my own photo of a sunrise on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, 2012.
